Happy 2012! by princessfy
Posted on Saturday, December 31, 2011, 3:22 PM, Add comment [0]

Greetings, everyone!

So, it's another year...
I can't say I'm satisfied over 2011 but I am thankful for getting to live another year. On top of that, I accomplished a major exam - GCE 'O' levels - yes, again. It went better this time right and I can only hope to be right. I would like to think I became a better person, someone more mature in thinking, someone who think more of others and just simply someone who's not selfish. But who am I to be the judge of myself in such things?

Yes, I have come back to actually put my thoughts into words and maybe, just revive my writing. I have been having thoughts which I let go of and neglecting my written English that I feel like it's been somewhat lacking these days. I hope not though.

I have a lot to say. People to thank, confessions and what nots. But all that was on my mind came up blank now. Let me say my heartfelt thanks to people whom I hold dear to my heart.

Family - I know they don't read this but maybe someone could pass the message to them? I am thankful for you guys and being born into such a family. We are the typical family but having gone through a lot together makes being part of it feel special that I could not have chosen a different one if I'm made to. This year's trip to Kota Tinggi was amazing, isn't it? I know I don't talk a lot to my cousins any more or I just held myself back but I swear I love you guys. The camaraderie between us can never be broken, for that I'm sure. I may at times feel like I'm not part of the "circle" but being able to see the laughters and tears of you guys content me. May the year ahead to all of you be a fruitful and meaningful one. If the journey gets hard, believe that it'll get better and maybe it will. We have each other, I hope you guys don't forget this.

Aainaa - You turkey! You know I hate you, right? But we are still friends. We are the only friends that can argue and hate each other and still be friends. How it works... I have no idea. Nonetheless, I had a fun year with you. I know that I mostly annoy you but do you know how fun it is? Haha! I guess we're still learning more about each other but isn't that how a relationship builds? I hope the year ahead will get us closer as friends. I hope you have a fruitful and meaningful year ahead with the ones you love. I hope your year will be filled with happiness and when things get hard, believe that it'll get better. And if ever you need me, I'll be here. Call me, beep me if you wanna reach me! Or we can always meet for ice-cream, any time. :)

Anna - Hi. Haha! I know we rarely meet these days but I had fun on Thursday with you guys. We rarely talk too so it was nice to talk to you! I hope we can hang out more often in the future and joke like last time. I guess we've all grown up now and all the dirty jokes seem too dirty eh. ;) Whatever it is, I hope you'll get through this year head held high. You definitely deserve the best and the best is what you're not getting right now. I hope you can still find your joy when you're not with people who care for you and will keep strong. You are, just keep the strength and you'll get there. I'll be here when you need me so just call me, beep me if you wanna reach me!

The Wanted - The possibility of you guys reading this blog is 1/100000 but I'll still write a message towards you all. I don't know what's in the 5 of you guys but I am thankful I chanced upon your music. It gives me strength and inspiration. I love that you guys are nice to your fans and you are probably the first celebrity I met. I loved that you love your fans regardless of what and how they are and you love us for who we are. Your words gives me so much courage that sometimes I let go of my fear to do what I want. I hope the year ahead will provide more opportunities for you guys to broaden your music to other parts of the world, even the most remote part of the world. Happy 2012, you guys! And get married soon, will ya? I wanna see TW babies!

I'm probably just verbal pooping right now. But nah, I'm not gonna cheapen my feelings by making them seem nothing. There's definitely a lot more I want to say but there can just be so much in one post. I'm not gonna put anyone else in a pedestal any further so have a happy 2012 ahead! May the year ahead to all of you be a fruitful and meaningful one. If the journey gets hard, believe that it'll get better and maybe it will.

Goodbye, xo
I am just human. by princessfy
Posted on Thursday, June 16, 2011, 6:26 PM, Add comment [0]
I have decided to come back here only because people have realised I am not posting as much here any more. So I doubt they would be looking into the heart of me. I am not being anti-social but because I fear too much what people think of me and such. I am a coward. Not really, I can be brave though. I think too deeply for a normal 17 year old and it's not fun. No one finds me fun. Ugh, I lost my desire to say anything.

Goodbye xo
Afiqah/Fy, Singapore, Female
I turn a year older on every 28/11

Rain is my idol and I love him endearingly.
My characteristics are at it's extreme.
I'm so awkward that I can feel it in myself.

Kristen Stewart is my strength.
I have a plethora of interests but mostly it's on
Kristen and Rob, together or separate.
People, animals, romantic stuffs, food and everything else.
So.... Do you want me now?
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